- Working meeting. – come up with outcomes.
- TODO: before next meeting: Project leaders send two powerpoint slides to [john’s email address] for pitches at undergraduate hack-a-thon.
All email project leaders if you’re interested in contributing to the project they are leading (see below). Regular attendance to the meetings is not required to participate (for all you email lurkers), although of course it will help amplify your contributions if we are doing the meetings right.
Anyone: some skills that seem common (and could be the subject of a skill presentation) I have so far are: - d3 Javascript for visualization - web scraping / API munging - databases – general principles and deploying on the web – Django? Anna mentioned this today. Geospatial work
Others want to add to this list? Reply to the group email Volunteer to present or know someone good on campus?
####Taxonomy project lead: John / Sust.
interest so far: Susty, Yang
- Apply cleanweb Taxonomy framework to USA–> Global.
- Deliverable / Outcome: A presentation on a given sector / white paper. The audience is multipurpose…students, investors, entrepreneurs, etc.
- Potentially contribute to an ongoing taxonomy that cleanweb is working towards.
Data and tools in hand
- UK data methods:
- A database…organized by sector.
- Names, sectors, years of founding, funding data.
- Gather stories on development of cleanweb companies, etc.
plan for semester
Learn about methodology, apply to US, and assess needs and gaps in taxonomy. - 1. Call with Jack, assess data, - 2. Clean Data and develop new data gathering products - 3. Pick a pilot sector and bolster datasets - 4. Interim presentation - 5. Gap identification - 6. Final presentation
####Energy Access ToolBox (EAT) lead: Michaelangelo interest so far:Michaelangelo, Imran, Becky, Juan, Eric, Peter
Make peoples’ energy analysis work more accessible.
Potential outcomes: - R and python codebases / packages - Own API? - Weather and buildings data. (maybe join with Elec. Markets?)
Data and tools in hand
- Weather data – based on Sam’s code for wunderground. also available.
- Hosting the data?
- Census
- Household characteristics
plan for semester
####Electricity Markets Data lead: Eric
EAT + Anna
- API functions, hooks, and vis for energy markets
- Collect and process data from energy markets for wholesale electrcity prices, particularly focused on historical data for researchers.
Issue: limited transparency and crossover between API’s (maybe join with EAT?)
Data and tools in hand
CAISO API hooks (from peter) real-time streams / DB type (SMAP database)? Watttime: what they’ve done: (pyso on github) - Scrapers for all of the ISO for real-time generation mix - pyiso - see repositories for more…
plan for semester
A stack of software to get / serve / visualize electricity market data.
####Emissions Mapping lead: Yang
Yang, Susty, Dav
Find ways of parsing global greenhouse gas emissions.
Visualize data on GHG emissions mix in space and time.
Host and serve vis data that is consistent for this…
Data and tools in hand
- WRI (UN originally) data on country-level emissions
- Country-level data
- Corporate
- IO data
- “Worldmrio” - production and consumption emissions
plan for semester
- Customer discovery (A/B testing) with students
- Develop d3?