Energy Access Toolbox Electricity Markets Data

Members: Eric Munsing, Michaelangelo Tabone, Anna Schneider, and Peter Alstone

energy maps


  • Make peoples’ energy analysis work more accessible.
  • API functions, hooks, and vis for energy markets
  • Collect and process data from energy markets for wholesale electrcity prices, particularly focused on historical data for researchers.

Potential outcomes: - R and python codebases / packages - Own API? - Weather and buildings data.

Data and tools in hand

  • Weather data – based on Sam’s code for wunderground. also available.
  • Hosting the data?
  • Census
  • Household characteristics
  • CAISO API hooks (from peter) real-time streams / DB type (SMAP database)? Watttime: what they’ve done: (pyso on github)
    • Scrapers for all of the ISO for real-time generation mix
    • pyiso
    • see repositories for more… ## plan for semester A stack of software to get / serve / visualize electricity market data.