Taxonomy Project

Members: Sustainable John Romankiewicz, Yang Ruan, Rachel Lee


  • Apply cleanweb Taxonomy framework to USA–> Global.
  • Deliverable / Outcome: A presentation on a given sector / white paper. The audience is multipurpose…students, investors, entrepreneurs, etc.
  • Potentially contribute to an ongoing taxonomy that cleanweb is working towards.

Data and tools in hand

  • UK data methods:
  • A database…organized by sector.
  • Names, sectors, years of founding, funding data.
  • Gather stories on development of cleanweb companies, etc.

plan for semester

Learn about methodology, apply to US, and assess needs and gaps in taxonomy.

  1. Call with Jack, assess data,
  2. Clean Data and develop new data gathering products
  3. Pick a pilot sector and bolster datasets
  4. Interim presentation
  5. Gap identification
  6. Final presentation